
My Worse Panic Attack Ever

One time I did something really, really stupid. I was having a good day and had access to unlimited cappuccinos. Yes, I took advantage of this access. Later that day it hit me. The biggest panic attack I have ever had in my life. Obviously, the caffeine helped it along. This severe panic attack lasted for about one hour and left me exhausted. During the attack I could not stand to be enclosed at all. I spent most of the time outside and still felt claustrophobic.

That panic attack left me shaky for days. I will never forget the feeling that I had during the attack - I am going to feel like this forever. Boy, am I glad I was wrong.

Read how others have stopped panic attacks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

last night i think i had a depression attack. i was so angry i was ready to hit. i was trembeling, my heart was beating from the adnormal. thos moning i feel okAY, as if nothin had happened. but i still suffer from depression. i tend to cry for no matter of reasons.

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