
Prevent a Panic Attack

Here are some things that I have done in the past to prevent a panic attack. Some might seem strange, but they worked for me at the time. Of course, the best thing is to stop panic attacks all together.

  • Chew on an Altoid mint - The sharp taste and smell had a jolting effect on me.
  • Chew on citrus - lemon peel, lime peel. Again, I think it was the sharp taste that would help me.
  • Go outside and take deep breaths - this is the escape that I sometimes needed.
  • Aromatherapy - strong sharp scents like tea tree oil or mint. Sometimes a strong perfume would help.
  • Have a drink - not always convenient.
  • Take a motion sickness pill - when things were really bad I would take 1/2 a motion sickness pill (chewable ones).

The above are things that I would do in order to stave away a panic attack. Sometimes they would work and sometimes not. That is the way it seems to go with panic attacks.

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